Ceramic dental implants have become very popular in recent years because they have a number of advantages—including a 95% success rate. With more patients demanding metal-free alternatives to titanium implants, that high success rate is one reason more titanium-based implant companies are designing ceramic dental implants to complement their metal systems.
Let’s take a look at some of the other advantages of ceramic dental implants.
Strength: Ceramic dental implants have a similar success rate to metal implants when it comes to compressive strength—meaning how well they can resist the pressure of chewing—and flexural strength—another way of saying their ability to withstand fracturing under stress.
But there are a few caveats. Several clenching can cause implant failure in the back of the mouth, so your dentist may recommend a mouth guard. Implants tend to be most successful in replacing the front teeth, which experience less pressure.
Safety: Ceramic dental implants contain the elements of Zirconia, Alumina and Yttria. Ceramics are, for the most part, inert meaning non-reactive, but some slight reactions may occur at the molecular level.
Our practice embraces energetic testing to determine which of the four types of ceramic implants is the best match for you. This is the best practice for the patient as it alleviates problems in the future.
The elements Alumina and Yttria are both ceramic oxides of metals, meaning they exist in a glass phase, and therefore, there is no trace of metal present in the ceramic. That’s why they are referred to as “metal-free.” The Alumina form of the element is different from the metallic aluminum. It exists in nature as a natural, safe component of earth and clays, as well as a constituent of our bones. In fact, it’s responsible for the strength and elasticity (our ability to bend) of our skeletal structure.
Many patients prefer ceramic implants because they are white or tooth color and will not cause a grey or black line around the gums like metal implants. That can be especially important for front teeth in the smile zone, especially the front teeth.
Ultimately, every patient is an individual. If you’re looking to get dental implants and are curious about ceramic dental implants, talk with your dentist about whether they are the right option for you. We’re here to be a resource.